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Free Blues Pentatonic Scale Lessons

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The Blues Pentatonic Scale is just like the Minor Pentatonic Scale except that it adds an extra "blues" note. All the patterns are the same except the extra note which gives the scale the blues sound.

Pentatonic Scales can be broken up into patterns and shown on a Guitar Neck Diagram. Once you know the patterns you can play Pentatonic Scales in any key because the patterns are moveable.

The Blues Pentatonic Scale is one of the most popular guitar scales especially with Blues Guitar and Rock Guitar. If you are interested in playing Lead Guitar or Soloing then learn these patterns and learn to play guitar!

In each lesson I will there is an interactive Guitar Neck Diagram, full tabs and audio that can be played at multiple speeds. Trust me playing scales may seem dull and boring but when you are jamming with your buddies you'll be glad that you know all the patterns of the blues pentatonic scale!



Blues Pentatonic Scales

Minor Pentatonic Scale

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